Letzte Änderung: 12.9.05 |
swiss fireball |
Regatta-Bericht |
Startseite | |
Tagebuch | Rangliste | Pressebericht (e) |
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176 Boote sind gemeldet. Ein Rekord! Darunter aus unseren Reihen:
Kurt Venhoda / Sonja Zaugg (SUI 14897), Maja Suter / François Schluchter (SUI 14752), Frédéric Duvoisin / Laurent Grob (SUI 14863), Adrian Huber / Brigitte Mauchle (SUI 14724), Richi Scheller / Gery Sauer (SUI 14890), Anna Trötschler / Christoph Trötschler (GER 14189).
Offizielle Homepage: www.fireball-worlds.com
Sonntag, 14.8.05
176 Boote am Start. 2 Läufe. Leider kein Auftakt nach Mass der SUI Boote. Beste waren Duvoisin / Grob (33-6), dann Venhoda / Zaugg (23-27), Scheller / Sauer (92-111), Huber / Mauchle (177(vielleicht BFD)-40), Suter / Schluchter (119-126). Man kann gespannt sein auf ihre Kommentare. Souverän in Führung liegen Musil / Stantejsky (CZE), die Europameister 2004 und 3. dieser EM, vor Smith / Mildred (GBR), Weltmeister 2004 und Howarth / Townend (GBR), Weltmeister 2003. Man ist unter sich ... .
Kurzer SMS Kommentar von Kuk: Es war Gorillawetter, 2 - 7 Bft., sehr böig und drehend. Dudu glänzt im 2. Lauf mit einem 6. Platz. Adi erwischts beim Starten mit 'Black Flag'.
Montag, 15.8.05
Der Leichtwind ist zurück. Seebrise um 3 Bft. Von den geplanten 2 Läufen war aber nur einer möglich. Die SUIs leider nicht in der Spitze. Beste bleiben Duvoisin / Grob auf dem 17. Zwischenrang (heute 32), 20. Venhoda / Zaugg (29), 77. Huber / Mauchle (102), 96. Scheller / Sauer (101), 129. Suter / Schluchter (124).
Weiterhin an der Spitze verbleiben Musil / Stantejsky (CZE) (11), dahinter Howarth / Townend (GBR) (3) und Smith / Mildred (GBR) (7).
Dienstag, 15.8.05
Wetter sehr schön, sommerlich, aber kein Wind. Keine Rennen möglich. Morgen ist Ruhetag, also auch keine Regatten. Es bleibt bei den drei bisherigen Läufen und der Führung von Musil / Stantejsky (CZE).
Mittwoch, 17.8.05
Ruhetag. Es wehte auch heute kein Lüftchen.
Donnerstag, 18.8.05
Von den geplanten 3 war schliesslich nur 1 Rennen ab 18:30 Uhr bei ruppigen 4-6 Bft. möglich. Duvoisin / Grob rundeten die Luvboje zweimal mit grossem Vorsprung, konnten diesen aber leider nicht halten und fielen noch auf den 8. Rang zurück. Damit sind sie in der Zwischenrangliste nach 4 Läufen 13. Die Platzierungen der anderen Schweizer sind nicht grad das Erhoffte: Huber / Mauchle 56. (gesamt 66), Venhoda / Zaugg 63. (31), Scheller / Sauer 94. (92) und Suter / Schluchter 151. (136).
Die Führung hat gewechselt: Smith / Mildred (GBR), die Titelverteidiger, an der Spitze, die bisherigen Leader Musil / Stantejsky (CZE) sind auf Platz 3 verdrängt. Rang 2 belegen Howarth / Townend. Ein Bericht (e).
Freitag, 19.8.05
Immer noch der ablandige, drehende Wind mit 2-5 Bft. Noch zwei Rennen konnten gefahren werden, so dass wenigstens 6 Läufe über den Titel entschieden. Chips Howarth / Vyv Townend (GBR) erkämpften sich zum Schluss die Krone, nach 2003 zum zweiten Mal. Dahinter Andy Smith / Jonny Mildred (GBR), 3. Guy Tipton / Chris Tattersall (GBR).
Duvoisin / Grob schaffen es als beste SUI auf den 16. Platz, Venhoda / Zaugg liegen auf Rang 44, Huber / Mauchle Rang 52, Scheller / Sauer Rang 101, Suter / Schluchter auf Rang 125 und schliesslich Trötschler / Trötschler auf Rang 146.
Rangliste: 6 Läufe, 1 Streicher, 2 - 5 Bft. 176 Boote, 13 Nationen (AUS, BEL, CAN, CZE, FRA, GBR, GER, IRL, ITA, KEN, RSA, SLO, SUI)
Sail No | Boat | Helm | Fleet | Crew | Pts | Race 1 | Race 2 | Race 3 | Race 4 | Race 5 | Race 6 | ||
1 | 14830 | GBR | Chips Howarth | G | Vyv Townend | 19 | 1 | 17 | 3 | 5 | 3 | 7 | |
2 | 14895 | GUL | GBR | Andy Smith | G | Jonny Mildred | 32 | 13 | 1 | 7 | 1 | 23 | 10 |
3 | 14614 | GBR | Guy Tipton | G | Chriss Tattersall | 34 | 6 | 19 | 2 | 59 | 5 | 2 | |
4 | 14904 | GBR | Richard Estaugh | G | Rob Gardner | 38 | 24 | 4 | 18 | 7 | 4 | 5 | |
5 | 14908 | Where's Wally | GBR | David Edwards | G | Dan Newman | 42 | 25 | 2 | 4 | 18 | 17 | 1 |
6 | 14879 | Aloha Malina | CZE | Tomas Musil | G | Jan Stantejsky | 45 | 3 | 3 | 11 | 25 | 42 | 3 |
7 | 14834 | Fred | GBR | Shane MacCarthy | G | Andy Thompson | 47 | 5 | 15 | 26 | 4 | 12 | 11 |
8 | 14880 | PB/Musto | GBR | David Wade | G | Richard Wagstaff | 48 | 32 | 5 | 14 | 19 | 2 | 8 |
9 | 14898 | Soapy tit ank | GBR | Paul Cullen | G | Jonathon Ching | 54 | 12 | 88 | 25 | 2 | 11 | 4 |
10 | 13945 | Reginald | GBR | Malcolm Davies | G | Ian Cadwallader | 68 | 4 | 52 | 23 | 26 | 1 | 14 |
11 | 14870 | Team GILL | GBR | Vince Horey | G | Gavin Tillson | 68 | 11 | 16 | 17 | 9 | 26 | 15 |
12 | 14791 | Lucille | GBR | Angus Hemmings | G | Steve Chesney | 69 | 20 | 14 | 12 | 21 | 14 | 9 |
13 | 14899 | GBR | Sam Mettam | G | Richard Anderton | 75 | 2 | 26 | 31 | 10 | 6 | 35 | |
14 | 14400 | Bear Necessities | FRA | Ludovic Alleaume | G | Etienne Perdon | 84 | 26 | 11 | 13 | 27 | 7 | 33 |
15 | 14552 | Lekla Stika | CZE | Martin Kubovy | G | Roman Rocek | 85 | 21 | 28 | 15 | RAF177 | 15 | 6 |
16 | 14863 | Dudu Magic | SUI | Frédéric Duvoisin | G | Laurent Grob | 87 | 33 | 6 | 32 | 8 | 9 | 32 |
17 | 14887 | GBR | Steve Goacher | G | Tim Edlund | 87 | 22 | 9 | 37 | 15 | 22 | 19 | |
18 | 14892 | Pigs On The Run | GBR | Penny Gibbs | G | Ian Gibbs | 95 | 42 | 7 | 35 | 3 | 8 | 49 |
19 | 14839 | Holt | GBR | Kevin Hope | G | Russell Thorne | 98 | 7 | 57 | 44 | 6 | 13 | 28 |
20 | 14864 | Three | GBR | John Curzon | G | Pete Elver | 105 | 8 | 55 | 28 | 14 | 30 | 25 |
21 | 14682 | Crocodile Gorden | GBR | Donald Smith | G | Matthew Richardson | 112 | 14 | 12 | 70 | 12 | 52 | 22 |
22 | 14820 | LDC | GBR | Andy Pearce | G | Adam Broughton | 127 | 16 | 18 | 6 | 38 | 49 | 55 |
23 | 14821 | Jambo | GBR | Chris Gill | G | Jonathan Bale | 130 | 10 | 32 | 42 | 28 | 18 | 42 |
24 | 14867 | Sharky | GBR | Veronica Falat | G | Ben Falat | 133 | 31 | 24 | 48 | 30 | 21 | 27 |
25 | 14894 | Zara | IRE | Noel Butler | G | Hugh Butler | 135 | 47 | 75 | 16 | 13 | 19 | 40 |
26 | 14857 | Little Miss Bossy | GBR | Becky Priest | G | Tim Saunders | 136 | 35 | 25 | 43 | 16 | 34 | 26 |
27 | 14829 | Drama Queen | SHE | Brydon Leask | G | Ewan Stirling | 141 | 19 | 8 | 30 | 62 | 40 | 44 |
28 | 14786 | Renegade | AUS | John Heywood | G | Brett Littledike | 144 | 28 | 27 | 36 | 35 | 20 | 34 |
29 | 14877 | Harken | GBR | Phil Popple | G | Andy Scott | 154 | 72 | 48 | 41 | 17 | 24 | 24 |
30 | 14836 | FRA | Tim Rush | G | Fred Sotteau | 155 | 52 | 46 | 1 | 20 | 75 | 36 | |
31 | 14782 | Mondo Bizarro | AUS | Robin Inns | G | Phillip Bowley | 156 | 15 | 53 | 57 | 29 | 28 | 31 |
32 | 14851 | WaveWalkabout | GBR | Mark Jarred | S | Nick Collins | 156 | 18 | 51 | 67 | 39 | 25 | 23 |
33 | 14827 | Dekuvu! | CZE | Petr Koran | G | Pavel Winkler | 163 | 44 | 10 | 55 | 36 | 61 | 18 |
34 | 14652 | The Alternative | GBR | Martin Cooney | G | David Cooney | 166 | 29 | 35 | 10 | 51 | 54 | 41 |
35 | 14903 | Ralph | GBR | Adam Whitehouse | G | Mike Woodward | 166 | 37 | 30 | DSQ177 | 55 | 32 | 12 |
36 | 14835 | Lipstick | GBR | Euan Sellar | G | Matt Summers | 167 | 53 | 65 | 50 | 11 | 16 | 37 |
37 | 14910 | RSA | Justin Clark | G | David Wertheim Aymes | 175 | 40 | RAF177 | 5 | 58 | 51 | 21 | |
38 | 14703 | FRA | Franck Juin | G | Pierre Perdon | 175 | 9 | 13 | 83 | 31 | 44 | 78 | |
39 | 14793 | FRA | Frederic Mouches | G | Jean-Francois Nouel | 175 | BFD177 | 31 | 73 | 32 | 10 | 29 | |
40 | 14628 | Bad Wolf | GBR | Simon Maskell | G | Jon Watkins | 175 | 17 | 49 | 93 | 48 | 31 | 30 |
41 | 14853 | The Hooter Scooter | GBR | Derian Chandler | G | Olly Goldsmith | 179 | 23 | 42 | 52 | 24 | 38 | 69 |
42 | 14885 | GBR | Keith Escritt | G | John Wade | 193 | BFD177 | 67 | 22 | 64 | 27 | 13 | |
43 | 14780 | Great White | GBR | Alex Piggott | G | John Rowell | 195 | 46 | 29 | 34 | 43 | 43 | 63 |
44 | 14897 | Supi-Chischtli | SUI | Kurt Venhoda | G | Sonja Zaugg | 204 | 27 | 23 | 29 | 63 | 63 | 62 |
45 | 14778 | Cruel & Unusual | GBR | Mike Deane | S | Paul Disney | 207 | 30 | 63 | 65 | 49 | 48 | 17 |
46 | 14901 | GBR | Tristan Jacques | G | Keith Bundy | 210 | 45 | 56 | 9 | 33 | 71 | 67 | |
47 | 14797 | Rascal | SHE | Roger Tait | G | Bob Yeamans | 230 | 50 | 86 | 38 | 47 | 41 | 54 |
48 | 14874 | GBR | Gary Russam | G | Andy Beston | 231 | 49 | 58 | 49 | 37 | 57 | 39 | |
49 | 14589 | BEL | Kristof Woutters | G | Deca Jan | 233 | 36 | 38 | 72 | 45 | 68 | 46 | |
50 | 14805 | Truckinfiball | GBR | Mark Maskell | G | Vic Gomes | 237 | 54 | 47 | 40 | 66 | 53 | 43 |
51 | 14513 | SHE | Scott Nicolson | G | Roger Goudie | 246 | 63 | 20 | 79 | 65 | 50 | 48 | |
52 | 14724 | Fidelio | SUI | Adrian Huber | G | Brigitte Mauchle | 247 | BFD177 | 39 | 27 | 56 | 72 | 53 |
53 | 14818 | Badass | GBR | Pete Badham | G | John Rohde | 251 | 55 | 22 | 64 | 71 | 39 | DSQ177 |
54 | 14019 | SLO | Marko Kocjancie | G | Klara Maucec | 253 | 90 | 40 | 24 | 42 | 83 | 64 | |
55 | 14728 | FRA | Pascal Anselmo | S | Jean Robillard | 257 | 73 | 21 | 149 | 60 | 37 | 66 | |
56 | 14761 | Which way is up? | GBR | Andy Willcocks | G | Andrea Willcocks | 259 | 38 | 34 | 78 | 50 | 66 | 71 |
57 | 14801 | Spot the dog | GBR | Ben Baxter | S | Alyson Bowring | 259 | 34 | 41 | 47 | 110 | 86 | 51 |
58 | 14798 | Blew Genes | GBR | Martin Scarth | G | Nigel Sheppard | 265 | BFD177 | 71 | 69 | 44 | 29 | 52 |
59 | 14850 | ASD Marine | AUS | Ben Schulz | G | Doug Shore | 267 | 60 | 69 | 68 | 23 | 47 | RET177 |
60 | 14803 | Screwball | GBR | Andy Foskett | G | Howard Jones | 267 | DSQ177 | 37 | 54 | 80 | 58 | 38 |
61 | 14794 | Klika! | CZE | Petr Sklenar | G | Petr Janacek | 270 | RAF177 | RAF177 | 19 | 22 | 36 | 16 |
62 | 14911 | CAN | Joe Jospe | G | Thomas Egli | 272 | 84 | 59 | 66 | 53 | 35 | 59 | |
63 | 14912 | FRA | Jenny Green | S | Malcolm Green | 276 | 65 | 60 | 21 | 83 | 90 | 47 | |
64 | 14807 | GBR | Tom Foskett | S | Tim Needham | 290 | RET177 | 33 | 60 | 46 | 78 | 73 | |
65 | 14675 | Makora | GBR | Edwin Sadd | G | Steve Kuhl | 292 | 39 | 73 | 92 | 54 | 81 | 45 |
66 | 14893 | On A Mission | GBR | Elaine Tudor | G | Warren Tudor | 292 | 74 | 43 | 53 | 72 | 123 | 50 |
67 | 14873 | Hakuna Matata | GBR | Keryn Henwood-Fox | S | Gary Henwood-Fox | 305 | 67 | 84 | 114 | 52 | 45 | 57 |
68 | 14837 | GBR | Russ Cormack | G | Ali McLeod | 311 | 57 | 36 | 8 | RET177 | 33 | DSQ177 | |
69 | 14680 | CAN | Jamie Cox | S | Simon Pearson | 315 | 48 | 80 | 103 | 57 | 55 | 75 | |
70 | 14909 | Mashed Potato | GBR | Ian Priest | S | Mike Stoddart | 320 | 51 | 74 | 46 | 81 | 103 | 68 |
71 | 14875 | N/a | GBR | Jenny Thompson | G | Nick Thompson | 322 | 41 | 44 | 20 | 40 | RET177 | DNC177 |
72 | 14665 | Mr Fahrenheit | GBR | Elspeth George | S | Alan Fraser | 327 | 59 | 54 | 61 | 70 | 85 | 83 |
73 | 14860 | GBR | D.J.Pannell | S | Drostan O'Reilly | 335 | 62 | 72 | 87 | 76 | 65 | 60 | |
74 | 14849 | Nude | IRL | Will Moody | G | Milan Kolacech | 338 | RET177 | 62 | 33 | RET177 | 46 | 20 |
75 | 14789 | Flying Pigs | GBR | Rhys Lankester | S | Chris Bishop | 370 | 56 | 85 | 101 | 68 | 60 | 140 |
76 | 14631 | www.sirena-voile.com | FRA | Martin Péculier | G | Thomas Le Seac'h | 378 | DSQ177 | DNC177 | 39 | 34 | 70 | 58 |
77 | 14706 | Tranquility Base | IRL | Alastair Court | S | John Dunne | 378 | 79 | 102 | 88 | 74 | 56 | 81 |
78 | 14754 | Once in a Blue Moon | GBR | Colin Ladd | S | Mark Hudson | 382 | 64 | 93 | 62 | 86 | 77 | 106 |
79 | 14755 | GBR | Mike Rayner | G | Ben Rayner | 388 | 93 | 77 | 56 | 78 | 117 | 84 | |
80 | 14719 | Shootin' Rabbits | IRL | Mick Creighton | S | Ed Butler | 389 | 61 | 94 | 74 | 90 | 96 | 70 |
81 | 14509 | Ghost | IRL | Frank Miller | S | Ismail Inan | 391 | 66 | 79 | 98 | 108 | 69 | 79 |
82 | 14783 | Spanman | GBR | Damian Abbatt | B | Stephen Digby | 394 | 94 | 45 | 97 | 128 | 82 | 76 |
83 | 14771 | All Balls & No Fire | GBR | Debi Gibson | S | Simon Forbes | 401 | RDG77.5 | RDG77.5 | 71 | 84 | 94 | 91 |
84 | 14735 | White Flag | GBR | Jeremy White | G | Ed Ayres | 408 | 77 | 50 | 90 | 132 | 59 | RET177 |
85 | 14546 | Spunky Downunder | GBR | Alison Goodall | B | Rosco Hayes | 409 | 43 | 76 | 128 | 69 | 122 | 99 |
86 | 14700 | Maximum Break | IRL | Cally Donaghy | S | Sarah Donaghy | 409 | 68 | 89 | 58 | 121 | 101 | 93 |
87 | 14391 | www.boatrepaircentre.co.uk | GBR | Jo Line | S | Alex Shaw | 414 | 114 | 90 | 99 | 67 | 64 | 94 |
88 | 14452 | Running Bear | GBR | Johnny Limebear | B | Abi Morgan | 417 | 83 | 66 | 156 | 82 | 100 | 86 |
89 | 14828 | CAN | Mark Atkins | G | Robert Thompson | 419 | 70 | 106 | 76 | 41 | 126 | DNC177 | |
90 | 13993 | GBR | Jonathan Carter | B | Gary Hodkinson | 419 | 124 | 121 | 95 | 75 | 67 | 61 | |
91 | 14854 | Incubus | IRL | Louis Smyth | G | Joe O'Reilly | 420 | 76 | BFD177 | 94 | 77 | 108 | 65 |
92 | 14809 | Whistling Gorilla | GBR | Daniel Hare | S | Jamie Hare | 422 | 81 | 68 | 104 | 85 | 84 | 104 |
93 | 14865 | Probably | GBR | Andy Bines | G | Dawn Jasper | 426 | BFD177 | 82 | 81 | 61 | 95 | 107 |
94 | 14556 | GBR | David Rush | B | Wayne Southall | 426 | 111 | 64 | 86 | 120 | 91 | 74 | |
95 | 14313 | Bimbo | GBR | Alan Davis | S | Mike Davis | 429 | 105 | 61 | 127 | 88 | 119 | 56 |
96 | 14449 | Absolutely Fabulous | GBR | Graham Wilson | B | Steve White | 431 | 100 | 81 | 80 | 98 | 92 | 80 |
97 | 14883 | Going Grey | GBR | Mike Whitehouse | S | Karen Whitehouse | 439 | 69 | 103 | 96 | 91 | 80 | 129 |
98 | 14525 | Sex, Lies & Videotape | GBR | Chris Panting | S | Andy Marsh | 439 | 71 | 87 | 115 | 133 | 76 | 90 |
99 | 14881 | SLO | Miran Gustin | S | Domen Kansky | 444 | 85 | 108 | 118 | 104 | 62 | 85 | |
100 | 14622 | Playball | GBR | Dave Mason | G | Wendy Wood | 444 | 138 | 130 | 63 | 106 | 73 | 72 |
101 | 14890 | SUI | Richard Scheller | S | Gery Sauer | 459 | 91 | 109 | 100 | 94 | 87 | 87 | |
102 | 14773 | FRA | Alain Botrel | S | Carolyn Jenkins | 467 | 96 | 83 | 139 | 100 | 106 | 82 | |
103 | 14491 | Eraora | ITA | Giorgio Leone | S | Luca Campati | 476 | 103 | DSQ177 | 51 | 122 | 98 | 102 |
104 | 14662 | Dying Ferret | GBR | Anthony Procter | G | Alan Goule | 478 | 99 | 98 | 45 | RAF177 | 113 | 123 |
105 | 14886 | Pure Magic | GBR | John Lang | S | Malcolm Clack | 478 | 125 | 96 | 89 | 95 | 93 | 105 |
106 | 14565 | River Dance | GBR | Elaine Slater | S | Graham Slater | 484 | 92 | RET177 | 106 | 111 | 74 | 101 |
107 | 14748 | Lady Eile | IRL | Jonathan Evans | S | Aidian Caulfield | 484 | 89 | 78 | 126 | 102 | 112 | 103 |
108 | 14882 | Orchitis | GBR | Rob Watson | B | S J Kelsall | 498 | 107 | 91 | 102 | 118 | 110 | 88 |
109 | 14775 | Elevation | IRL | Seamus Moore | S | Andrew Boyle | 502 | 88 | 97 | 121 | 89 | 116 | 112 |
110 | 14514 | Ultra Violet | GBR | Peter Mason | S | Amanda De Montjoie | 509 | 109 | 92 | 120 | 99 | 99 | 110 |
111 | 14705 | Willy Tippit | GBR | Paul Leavers | G | Kerrie Forster | 518 | 75 | RET177 | 91 | DNC177 | 79 | 96 |
112 | 14891 | Fifty 2 | GBR | Helen Salisbury | S | Mike Shreeve | 520 | 97 | 107 | 155 | 107 | 109 | 100 |
113 | 14454 | No Fear | GBR | Samantha Bunn | S | Jane Stanley | 522 | 110 | 129 | 75 | 119 | 107 | 111 |
114 | 14372 | Tekitoa | FRA | Denis Lucet | S | Francoise Lucet | 522 | 119 | 99 | 82 | 130 | 133 | 92 |
115 | 14725 | GBR | Melanie Parsonage | B | Mike Ford | 538 | 115 | 123 | 122 | 101 | 130 | 77 | |
116 | 14723 | Etcetera | KEN | Graham Bush | S | Charles Bush | 542 | 134 | 104 | 119 | 115 | 88 | 116 |
117 | 14621 | GBR | Tim Cross | S | Rachel Keeling | 542 | 112 | 117 | 110 | 92 | 111 | RET177 | |
118 | 14612 | Mad Scow | GBR | Iain Christie | B | Adam Smith | 554 | 130 | 100 | 144 | 97 | 102 | 125 |
119 | 14249 | Red Pepper | GBR | Nick Cameron | B | Cara Cameron | 556 | 121 | 119 | 112 | 96 | 127 | 108 |
120 | 14294 | Jumping Jack Flash | GBR | Jeremy Hurst | B | Abigail Hurst | 558 | 120 | DNC177 | 109 | 127 | 104 | 98 |
121 | 14116 | Smokey Joe | GBR | Mark Dinwoodie | B | Helen Dinwoodie | 563 | 98 | 120 | 116 | 129 | 115 | 114 |
122 | 14268 | Dragon's Breath | GBR | Nick Hurst | B | Caroline Still | 564 | 80 | DNC177 | 137 | 131 | 121 | 95 |
123 | 14624 | GBR | Helen Carroll | S | Simon Lomas-Clarke | 564 | 87 | 128 | 130 | 114 | 118 | 117 | |
124 | 14300 | Black and White Hylight | FRA | Jean-Yves Renon | S | Lechene | 574 | 101 | DNC177 | RET177 | 79 | 97 | 120 |
125 | 14752 | White Magic | SUI | Maja Suter | S | François Schluchter | 576 | 118 | 124 | 123 | 151 | 114 | 97 |
126 | 14064 | Chunky Monkey | GBR | Bob Morris | S | Paul Butler | 586 | 102 | 111 | 136 | 117 | 129 | 127 |
127 | 14285 | Tune | GBR | Colin Snowdon | B | Paul Melhuish | 589 | 104 | 118 | 124 | 123 | 120 | 126 |
128 | 14800 | Got the Sheets | GBR | Eugene Jordan | S | Mary Jordan | 592 | 135 | 101 | 84 | 137 | 135 | RET177 |
129 | 14571 | Buckle Up Spanky | AUS | Andrew Crossley | B | Peter Crossley | 595 | 86 | 95 | 132 | 105 | RET177 | DNC177 |
130 | 14831 | Wrekin Havoc | GBR | Robert Fisk-Moore | B | Mel Wolsey | 595 | 116 | 125 | 117 | 116 | 138 | 121 |
131 | 14173 | GBR | Paula Symons | S | Simon Roberts | 599 | 113 | 105 | 142 | 147 | 124 | 115 | |
132 | 13860 | Dessalinator | FRA | Philippe Barbier | S | Thibault Barbier | 601 | 129 | 126 | 107 | 126 | 137 | 113 |
133 | 14636 | Black Magic | SHE | John Manson | B | Ivan Fraser | 604 | 108 | 133 | 145 | 103 | 136 | 124 |
134 | 14266 | GBR | Terry Forbes | B | Dee Flemming | 604 | 123 | RET177 | 133 | 124 | 105 | 119 | |
135 | 14598 | GBR | Peter Gifford | B | David Nash | 619 | 106 | 114 | 134 | 136 | 134 | 131 | |
136 | 14888 | Action Between the Sheets | GBR | Richard Mansfield | S | Graham Sandison | 631 | 82 | 70 | 125 | DNC177 | DNC177 | DNC177 |
137 | 14470 | Thomas Tank | GBR | Ray Newman | B | Charlie Higgins | 633 | 95 | 116 | 111 | 134 | DNC177 | DNC177 |
138 | 14868 | Creative Tension | GBR | Tim Morgan | B | Morag Aiken | 641 | 137 | 132 | 165 | 109 | 128 | 135 |
139 | 13910 | The Kebab's Grandad | GBR | Jonny Mcgovern | G | Adam Bowers | 648 | RDG117.5 | RDG117.5 | 59 | DNC177 | DNC177 | DNC177 |
140 | 11054 | Jessica | GBR | Jonathan Cowper | B | Lucy Lingard | 648 | 117 | 122 | 164 | 113 | 153 | 143 |
141 | 14629 | Red Eye | IRL | Brian Nolan | S | Tim Leonard | 649 | RET177 | DNC177 | 113 | 138 | 132 | 89 |
142 | 14109 | Aussie Blew | GBR | Ian Johnson | B | Maria Richards | 653 | DNC177 | DNC177 | 138 | 140 | 89 | 109 |
143 | 14691 | Goodness Gracious | IRL | Louise McKenna | S | Mark Dunne | 662 | 126 | 112 | 135 | 112 | RET177 | DNC177 |
144 | 13873 | The Gamble | GBR | John Hobson | B | Mick Smith | 662 | 122 | 127 | 140 | 139 | 149 | 134 |
145 | 14499 | Ddraig Goch | GBR | Michael Sutcliffe | B | Martin Cox | 666 | 133 | 113 | 152 | 145 | 142 | 133 |
146 | 14189 | Skywalker | GER | Anna Troetschler | S | Christoph Troetschler | 668 | BFD177 | DNC177 | 105 | 143 | 125 | 118 |
147 | 14410 | Steppin Up | GBR | Don White | G | Bill Chard | 681 | DNC177 | DNC177 | 77 | 73 | DNC177 | DNC177 |
148 | 13156 | Magic | GBR | Barbara Newson | B | Guy Newson | 688 | 128 | 131 | 172 | 154 | 143 | 132 |
149 | 14165 | Sottosopra | GBR | Pete Cianchi | B | Anne Cianchi | 697 | 139 | 137 | 158 | 149 | 150 | 122 |
150 | 14564 | Broadside | GBR | Jonathan Cooper | B | Cheryl Jessop | 699 | 131 | 115 | 141 | 135 | DNC177 | DNC177 |
151 | 14673 | Horny Devil | GBR | David Festing | B | Karen Festing | 701 | 127 | 110 | 146 | 141 | RET177 | DNC177 |
152 | 14704 | GBR | Barrie Winship | S | Rose Winship | 703 | DNC177 | DNC177 | 85 | 87 | DNC177 | DNC177 | |
153 | 14625 | Scream-In-Genie | GBR | Steve Greenhalgh | B | James Terry | 707 | 142 | RDG147 | 143 | 156 | 147 | 128 |
154 | 14774 | Something for the weekend | GBR | Roger Etherington | B | James Robertson | 710 | 132 | DNC177 | 131 | 93 | DNC177 | DNC177 |
155 | 11076 | Fernando | GBR | Tim Cox | B | Kingsley Cox | 722 | DNC177 | 134 | 160 | 142 | 145 | 141 |
156 | 12718 | Iolaire | SHE | Darren Forrest | B | Graham Forrest | 723 | 136 | 138 | 157 | 157 | 144 | 148 |
157 | 14282 | Comfortably Numb | GBR | Lyndon Bird | B | Jason Milner | 729 | 143 | DNC177 | 162 | 148 | 139 | 137 |
158 | 14655 | Johnny Logan | IRL | Derval O Carroll | B | Siobhan Hayes | 732 | 146 | 139 | 150 | 160 | 152 | 145 |
159 | 14323 | GBR | Stephen Duncan | S | Samantha Duncan | 738 | RET177 | DNC177 | RDG150 | 150 | 131 | 130 | |
160 | 14663 | IRL | Alan Murnane | B | Paul Flannery | 741 | 145 | 136 | 166 | 158 | 155 | 147 | |
161 | 13850 | Wetter The Better | GBR | Simon Ford | B | Russell Clay | 746 | 140 | 135 | 163 | 152 | 156 | DNC177 |
162 | 13661 | Cunning Stunt | GBR | Neal Gibson | B | David Graham | 751 | RET177 | DNC177 | 147 | 144 | 141 | 142 |
163 | 14336 | Basic Instinct | GBR | Dave Bevan | B | Sarah Stirman | 767 | RET177 | DNC177 | 161 | 153 | 140 | 136 |
164 | 14468 | Grey Hares | GBR | Ian Elkington | B | Nicky Elkington | 777 | DNC177 | DNC177 | 168 | 146 | 148 | 138 |
165 | 14659 | Justafiabal | GBR | Peter Muggleton | B | Nigel Bennett | 782 | 141 | DNC177 | 159 | 159 | 146 | DNC177 |
166 | 2613 | Snoot | GBR | Richard White | B | Matthew White | 799 | DNC177 | DNC177 | 167 | 155 | 154 | 146 |
167 | 14314 | Blow Job | GBR | Tony King | B | Chaz Gay | 800 | DNC177 | DNC177 | 151 | DNC177 | 151 | 144 |
168 | 13257 | GBR | Iain Dennison | B | Riaan Van Schoor | 804 | DNC177 | DNC177 | 148 | 125 | DNC177 | DNC177 | |
169 | 12735 | Brown Stains Masseev | GBR | Hayley Smith | B | Mark Burton | 814 | DNC177 | DNC177 | 170 | 161 | 157 | 149 |
170 | 13697 | Albert | GBR | Christine Slater | B | Nigel Williams | 816 | DNC177 | DNC177 | 108 | RET177 | DNC177 | DNC177 |
171 | 13951 | Outback Dingoes | GBR | Peter Slack | B | Paul Broxham | 824 | DNC177 | DNC177 | 154 | DNC177 | DNC177 | 139 |
172 | 14277 | Peaches On The Reaches | GBR | Neil Burden | B | Suzy Capey | 828 | 144 | RET177 | 153 | DNC177 | DNC177 | DNC177 |
173 | 14742 | M-Cloud Nine | GBR | Nick McLeod | S | Kate McLeod | 837 | DNC177 | DNC177 | 129 | RET177 | DNC177 | DNC177 |
174 | 14848 | Helms Deep | GBR | Sue Smith | B | Ian Smith | 877 | RET177 | DNC177 | 169 | RET177 | DNC177 | DNC177 |
175 | 13970 | Fizzy | GBR | Ana Ladd | B | James Whitaker | 879 | RET177 | DNC177 | 171 | RET177 | DNC177 | DNC177 |
176 | 14889 | Jzero | GBR | Matt Butler | S | Marisa Foster | 885 | DNC177 | DNC177 | DNC177 | DNC177 | DNC177 | DNC177 |
WM Bericht auf sailpower.com vom 31. August 05:
Some said it couldn't be done, some even said it shouldn't be done but the Fireball class decided to sail as a huge, single fleet with line starts for the 2005 Holt Fireball World, National and European Championships, rather than gate starts. There was a total of 119 entries for the UK National and European Championship and a record-shattering 176 entries from 12 countries for the World Championship. 4th GBR 14904 Richard Estaugh and Rob Gardner 38 pts
The Teign Corinthian Yacht Club in Teignmouth, Devon hosted the event. Sponsorship came from Holt, Winder sponsored boat ,Speed Sails, Typhoon International, Brigantine Chandlery Living Heritage (marquee supplier), Wychwood Brewery, Teignbridge District Council and The Met Office. This sponsorship provided excellent prizes throughout the fleet, which was seeded into gold, silver and bronze classifications. Daily prize giving and morning briefings kept the competitors together and a comprehensive social programme ensured enjoyment for all, irrespective of results.
A mega-fleet of 176 Fireballs from the UK, Ireland, Continental Europe, Canada, Australia, South Africa and Kenya assembled for the Fireball World Championship in Teignmouth. The entry list including many champions of the Fireball and other classes. During the first week the competitors had got to grips with 119 boat line starts, but now the start lines were set to get really interesting.
Sunday - Race 1. An offshore Force 4-5, blue sky and sparkling sea greeted the competitors, but the committee boat had problems with a dragging anchor. The first start had an 'I' flag and general recall, the black flag came out for the restart with another general recall. At the third attempt, they got away with Chips Howarth and Vyv Townend (GBR) gaining an early lead.
At the first gybe mark John Curzon and Pete Elver were second, Sam Mettam and Richard Anderton third. The prize for giving most entertainment value goes to Elaine and Graham Slater for the most spectacular capsize. Howarth and Townend won, followed by Mettam and Anderton and Musil and Stantejsky.
Race 2 - the race officer made the most of the wind, and a couple of general recalls later race 2 started. A win for Andy Smith and Jonny Mildred, ahead of Edwards and Newman and Musil and Stantejsky.
Monday - Race 3 - a clean start and Tim Rush and Fred Sotteau (FRA) got to the front followed by Edwards and Newman and Howarth and Townend. Close covering of the opposition meant that the leading boats were giving the opportunity for others to sneak in. Rush and Sotteau lost their lead, Justin Clark and David Aymes (RSA) got the shifts right to lead, but incurred a 720 penalty for pumping the wire. With Edwards and Howarth having their own 'match race', Rush and Sotteau won, Tipton and Tattersall second, Howarth and Townend third, Edwards and Newman fourth.
Tuesday - no wind - no racing but a big night in the Fireball village with a band sponsored by the Fireball Dentists association.
Wednesday - lay day
Thursday - Race 4 - determination and staying power by the race officer meant a scheduled start of 12 noon turned into an actual start after 5pm. It had been a long wait, but eventually the wind kicked in as the Met Office had said it would! The predicted Force 4-5 had arrived, and with it, there would be a number of breakages. The race was first lead by the Swiss team of Frederic Duvoisin and Laurent Grob, but they were overtaken by Andy Smith and Jonny Mildred who notched up their second win of the championship. Paul Cullen and Johnathan Ching (GBR) finished second, Penny and Ian Gibbs (GBR) third.
The evening entertainment was organised by the Canadian fleet to promote the 2006 Worlds in Victoria, British Columbia.
Friday - Race 5 - before going on the water, those at the top of the fleet were glued to the race results, working on their strategy for the final day. The race officer planned to get 2 races in, the first would trigger the discard and that would turn the result board around. The 2004 World Champions Smith and Mildred were leading the results at the end of day 5, with Howarth and Townend a close second. In the fresh force 4, local sailors Malcolm Davies and Ian Cadwallader took their chance and won, in a 19 year old boat, ahead of Dave Wade and Richard G Wagstaff (GBR) and Howarth and Townend. Smith and Mildred got stuck in the pack, finishing 23rd, this gave Howarth and Townend some security going into the final race.
Race 6 - with time edging away and the wind dropping, this would be the final race of the championship. Edwards and Newman took an early lead which they held to win the race, followed by Guy Tipton and Chris Tattersall (GBR), Musil and Stantejsky 7th place for Howarth and Townend being enough to win the title.
And so the largest ever Fireball World Championship concluded. The prize-giving ceremony included a splendid soul band and impressive firework display. The event will surely be remembered for the huge entry, the close racing throughout the fleet, a spectacular sight that will never be forgotten. The massive line starts proved successful and fair, once the competitors and race team had got their heads around them.
The only disappointment was that the bottle of vintage champagne, promised to the first boat to amass 1,000 points, went un-awarded because only 6 of the scheduled 10 races were completed. The beach team led by Derek Wyatt launched and recovered the fleet in a short space of time and with the minimum amount of fuss.
Overall Results
1st GBR 14830 Chips Howarth and Vyv Townend 19 pts
2nd GBR 14895 Andy Smith and Jonny Mildred 32 pts
3rd GBR 14614 Guy Tipton and Chris Tattersall 34 pts
5th GBR 14908 Dave Edwards and Dan Newman 42 pts
6th CZE 14879 Tomas Musil and Jan Stantejsky 45 pts
7th GBR 14834 Shane MacCarthy and Andy Thompson 47pts
8th GBR 14880 Dave Wade and Richard G Wagstaff 48 pts
9th GBR 14898 Paul Cullen and Jonathan Ching 54 pts
10th GBR 13945 Malcolm Davies and Ian Cadwallader 68 pts
Silver Fleet Winner 32nd overall GBR 14851 Mark Jarred and Nick Collins 156 pts
Bronze Fleet Winner 82nd overall GBR 14873 Damian Abbatt and Stephen Digby 394 pts
Press report/Sailpower , 31 August 2005